Kampala Domestic Store Ltd. (KDS) was incorporated in Uganda in 1995 as a Private Limited Company; owned 100% by Ugandans.
- Increase exports from 10,000 tons per year to approximately 14,000 tons per year in the first year.
- Maintain and establish more sustainable relationships with 17-25 buyers from around the world.
Kampala Domestic Store Ltd (KDS) seeks to serve coffee importers and enthusiasts by exceeding minimum acceptable quality standards and by providing the highest quality product at a competitive price. Consistence is one of our merits. We value our relationships with current and future customers and hope to communicate our appreciation to them through our outstanding, guaranteed product quality, personal service, and efficient delivery. Our commitment to our customers and the country of Uganda will be reflected through honest and responsible business.
Our Key Success
- Establishing and maintaining reliable and mutually beneficial working relationships and contractual agreements with coffee buyers from around the world
- Increasing our profit margin with the use of improved technology in our facility.
- Effectively communicating, to current and potential customers, our position as a differentiated provider of the highest quality Ugandan coffee to the world
Kampala Domestic Store Ltd (KDS) today outsources services of processing, grading and sorting of coffee for export from Savannah Commodities Ltd.
Kampala Domestic Store Ltd (KDS) rents a Warehouse and office again from Savannah Commodities Ltd within the same premises of the factory. With the outsourcing and coffee being a seasonal crop, we use casual labour for shifting and loading as and of when there is work to do resulting in a small multidiscipline staff which is hardworking, committed and highly experienced in the coffee industry.
Production Information
- Kampala Domestic Store Ltd (KDS) owns a Coffee Farm where it produces Washed Robusta Coffee, Managed by a Farm Manager and the rest of Employees are casual.
- Coffee is intercropped with food crops such as bananas and beans which ensure households’ food security.
- Coffee is grown among shade trees that result into sustainable coffee production, while ensuring a social, economic and suitable environment that requires KDS a minimal use of agro-chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides.