In a progressive approach to achieve our vision and mission statements, we have closed down partnership deals with many other bodies in the industry including:
Africa Coffee Academy (ACA)
In order to Increase quality coffee production, KDS partnership with ACA plays a significant role in imparting knowledge and skills to farmers. A number of activities are carried out through the year some of them include:
1. Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA)
VSLA provides training to Support Increase in Coffee Productivity, Enhancement of Coffee Quality and Market Linkage. Recently, we conducted training of farmers in which the following knowledge areas were covered:
- Setting up of a VSLA
- Leadership
- Savings/ Share purchase and borrowing condition
Africa Coffee Academy (ACA) training farmers on behalf of Kampala Domestic Store Ltd
2. Harvesting & Post Harvest (H&PHH)
This training covered the following sub topics
- Best harvesting practices
- Processing of the coffee i.e drying methods
- Storage and better handling.
- The cash conversion of kiboko to green
- Effect of the above on quality, the cup and pricing
Uganda Coffee Federation (UCF)
The federation engages and works with all stakeholders to promote sustainable coffee production and trade to achieve its goal of sustaining and increasing volumes and quality of traded coffee.
Africa Fine Coffee Association
Agribusiness Initiative Trust (aBi)
aBi is an NGO that supports farmers through KDS. In particular, aBi provides funds that KDS uses to implement various programs including buying seedlings for farmers, training farmers and sustaining coffee projects undertaken by farmers.
The documentary below shows KDS and aBi working on supporting quality coffee production and sale.
>>>> documentary
Its always a great synergy and we are doing well. Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you like to get involved as a Partner.