The method of coffee processing takes these steps below.
- Enforcement of selective picking of only red ripe cherries, and extra sorting of the berries in order to have red ripe cherries.
- Subjected to floatation to remove the defective cherries which float and the heavy ones which sink, are the ones taken as the goods ones.
NOTE: Processing of the Floaters and the heavy ones is done separate.
- Ch
erries are then spread dry on raised beds, cemented floor and or Turplains.
- Under good weather, cherries can dry for as long as 30 days up to the Moisture content of 13.0% before they can be hulled.
- This processing method gives Fair Average Quality (FAQ) after hulling and then graded into exportable grades of Screens 18, Sc 15 and Sc 12.
- Rejects from this coffee are called Under grades and exported as Broken and Hand Picked (BHPs)
- From this method of processing, the result is Arabica natural is exported as Dry Uganda Arabica (DRUGAR).