Buying Coffee
Our coffee buying philosophy is simple; we aim to buy the very best coffee beans, instant coffee and ground coffee to offer the widest selection of choice to our valued customers, at great prices! With over 10 years experience in the coffee industry and with the close relationships we have with our suppliers, we can offer you the best variety at the best wholesale prices.
Coffee Processing
- Coffee beans are the seeds of the red fruits, known as coffee “cherries”. The cherries are ready for picking when they have turned a ripe red, and they are still immature when green cherries are ready for picking when they have turned ripe red, and they are still immature when green.

Coffee beans are the seeds of the red fruits,shown above
- Inside each cherry, there are two beans, lying flat sides pressed together. (On rare occasions, there is only one bean. In such instances, it is usually larger and rounder in shape than normal beans. These are referred to as peaberry beans). The beans are surrounded by a parchment. If the fruit is ripe, a thin, gooey layer surrounds the parchment, called the mucilage. Both the pulp and the parchment need to be removed before the coffee can be roasted. There are two methods of doing this: dry processing and wet processing.
Selling Coffee
As a leading domestic coffee store, we sell coffee to a variety of local and International clients. To make your order, please contact us